I'm not sure where the geographical range of Rochester pizza begins and ends, but according to the Census Bureau, Rochester's metro area includes Monroe, Livingston, Ontario, Orleans and Wayne counties. So I guess Mount Morris, in Livingston County, is not too far afield.
With that in mind, today I offer a report on a recent stop at Leaning Tower, a Mt. Morris pizzeria that has a sister establishment in Dansville, which I reported on last December.
On trips to the Southern Tier, I often get off 390 at Mt. Morris. If you go down that way much, you may know the routine already - 390 to Mt. Morris, 408 to Nunda, and then Short Tract Road to Rt. 17. This shaves about 20 miles off your trip, if you're headed to the southwestern part of the state, and the roads are nice and straight, and rarely heavily trafficked.
I wasn't so much hungry as curious to try this place, so I just got a single pepperoni slice. It had a browned, slightly puckered bottom marked by some lighter areas, typically where it had been punctured, or "docked" prior to baking, to prevent it from bubbling up in the oven. The crust was medium firm, with a nice crunch along the outer edge. It was not greasy underneath, but it was not exceptionally crisp either.
The wide and thin slices of pepperoni were on the spicy side, which is fine by me. Thery were more chewy than crisp, which is typical of this variety. A light dusting of herbs was visible, but I can't say I noticed it on my palate.
This was a basic small town pizzeria - which every small town should have - along Mt. Morris's Main Street, which has gotten some media attention of late thanks to the efforts of one man to breathe new life into it. They serve the usual pizza, wings, subs, etc., and there's a little seating.
In short, this was OK pizza, not bad, not great. The crust was adequate, and the toppings were serviceable. There were no particular defects, but for me it was no better than average. So I'll give it a C.
Leaning Tower
25 Main Street, Mount Morris, NY
(585) 658-3600
Hours: Mon-Thu. 11 a.m. - 10 p.m., Fri. & Sat. 11 a.m. - 11 p.m., Sun. noon - 10 p.m.
Delivery: Mon. - Fri. 11 a.m. - 1 p.m., nightly 4:30 till close
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