The pizza at Trotto's is what I call "Rochester style" pizza - on the thick side, with healthy doses of sauce and cheese, nothing too fancy, and they're often "square" rather than "pie" cut.
Trotto's particular take on Rochester pizza is maybe a little thicker and breadier than average, and a little lighter on the cheese.
The underside was a uniform golden brown and not greasy, except for a couple spots where the pepperoni grease had soaked through between the slices. It had just a little exterior crispness, not much.
Eating this, the word that came to mind here was "bready." This was very bready pizza. And by that I'm referring to the kind of Italian bread turned out by your local bake

If you like bready pizza, that's a good thing. If you don't, well ... I guess you could ask them to make it thin, but as I've said before, I believe in letting a pizzeria do what they do best. Personally, I'm a thin-crust guy, but I liked this, although to me the breadiness of this pizza nearly overwhelmed the toppings.
Speaking of which, the sauce was a basic, tangy tomato sauce, bright in color and flavor, with a medium consistency. The moderately-applied mozzarella was dotted with browned spots, and the wide-and-thin pepperoni was, well, pepperoni.
Trotto's is open from 4:30 till 10 Monday through Thursday, 4 till 11 on weekends, and 3 to 9 on Sunday. There's no seating, so this is a takeout and delivery place only. Pizza and wings are pretty much all that they do, although you can get some appetizers, mostly

Like the pizza itself, then, Trotto's is a pretty down-to-basics kind of place, which I kind of like. Better to do one or two things well than to do 20 things poorly or inconsistently. And Trotto's pizza and wings are obviously neither poor nor inconsistent, because it's been in business, in the same location, for about 20 years.
I love Italian bread, and I enjoyed the bready quality of this pizza. Still, for my taste it seemed a tad out of balance, so bready was it. I'll give it a B-.
Trotto's Pizzeria, 861 Fetzner Rd. 227-4095
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