The French Roast is Barista Prima's darkest roast, so it was practically made to order for me. Contrary to what you might think, dark-roasted coffee is not necessarily any higher in caffeine - in fact, it may be lower than lighter-roasted coffee. What it does have more of is flavor. And Barista Prima's French Roast delivers on that score, with a satisfyingly deep, full-bodied flavor, yet it's not overly bitter. It truly reminded me of a good, dark roast from a premium coffee shop, without the premium price; an 18-pack will set you back about $13, so it comes in at well under a dollar a cup.
Currently, Barista Prima coffee is available from several local retailers, including Tops, Bed Bath & Beyond, Target and Walmart. Check their Store Locations page for a full list. In addition to the French Roast, it's also available in Italian Roast (regular or decaf), House Blend and Columbia varieties. I haven't tried those others yet, but if the French Roast is any indication, they're well worth trying.
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