I don't usually go for a lot of toppings, but there were some slices with pepperoni, hot peppers, and roasted red peppers that looked good, so I went with that.
This was a big slice, any way you cut it (pun intended) - it was wide, thick, and heavy. It had been screen-baked, and the underside was browned and not at all crisp. Despite its thickness, it was quite foldable.
The mozzarella was pretty thick and chewy, adding to the heft of this slice. There was a sprinkling of oregano flakes visible, which were distinctly noticeable on the palate. The tomatoey sauce got a bit lost among all the other toppings.

The slice as a whole had a good flavor, but would've benefited from a crisper crust. For all its thickness, this crust was kind of wimpy. It was soft, and the bottom of the crust separated a bit from the top, which I imagine is something that happened during the baking process, though I'm not sure exactly what the explanation is. It may have something to do with the top being wetter than the bottom, because of the the sauce and other toppings, and also more insulated from the heat of the oven.
Overall, the crust had a bit of an undercooked bread dough flavor. And the edge, which I often like because it tends to crisp up nicely, instead had a texture that I can best describe as "tough." Chewy, but not in a good way.
ZiaMo's has a pretty big menu, with all the standards - fried appetizers, wings, hot subs (no cold subs, apparently), wraps, burgers, etc. They also have several chicken and fish entrees, including a Caribbean Chicken with pineapple salsa, and parmesan-crusted tilapi

The pizza menu features six specialty pizzas, including "Tony's Favorite," which must be what I got, and a white pizza with garlic, grilled chicken, tomatoes, artichokes, onion and green peppers.
This one's a little bit of a tough call. I mean, I liked it OK, it tasted pretty good, but it was mostly the toppings that I liked. And to me, the best toppings in the world can't save a mediocre crust. From some comments I've gotten about other places, I know there are those who feel differently. But I can only rate ZiaMo's according to my own preferences. So with that in mind, I'm giving it a C. Not bad, but no better than average.
ZiaMo's Pizzeria, 126 W. Main St., Honeoye Falls, inside Brongo Bowl. (The bowling alley and adjoining bar were closed on my lunchtime visit.) 624-3810. Current summer hours: Mon. 11 - 8, Tue. - Sat. 11 - 9, Sun. 4 - 8.
You forgot to add the label "grade C" to this entry. :)
ReplyDeleteCorrected. Thank you.